Day 1:

Profits Hidden In Plain Sight

STEP ONE. Watch The Day One Training Below:

STEP TWO. Do The Recapture Exercise and Submit Your Homework:

You'll get...

  • The advanced recapture recording and resources

  • Moved up the waitlist for Laurel's $7 program (and maybe a Golden Ticket)

  • A surprise bonus from our friends at The Success Finder Association

Additional Resources. After you have done the homework, review the additional "recapture and reallocate" resources. Basic resources are below, additional and advanced resources will be sent after you submit your homework above.

Basic Recapture and Reallocate (Money) by The Guardian Academy

Priceless by Nic Peterson

See you on the other side,

Nic and Laurel

PS. Day two will hit your inbox about 3 days after you opened the Day one email. You can upgrade to unlock immediate access to all five days right and resources here.